Paywash is the first payment platform for the use of washing machines without cash payment.From now on you only need your phone to wash!With Paywash you can pay for your washing and drying cycle without having to search for the coins that you no longer have in your pockets.You no longer have to wait for long minutes for your wash to finish, PayWash will notify you to pick up your clothes.You can wash whenever you want, just scan the QR code, and start washing!Download the application now and start paying for your washing and drying cycles with it.Using Paywash is very simple. You just have to follow these simple instructions:• Open the application.• Scan the QR code of the washer or dryer you want to use.• Make the payment of the indicated amount using your debit or credit card.• When ready, press the start button within the application.• Then press the Start button on the washer or dryer.• Once your wash or dry cycle is complete, we will notify you so you dont have to wait in the laundry room.